Saturday, February 5, 2011

DnBeef: Twisted Individual vs. John B

Not sure how many of you remember Twisted Individual’s “Bandwagon Blues”, which was a slight to Distorted Minds for seemingly ripping off his bassline with their banger “T-10”, or if any of you remember John B’s “Blandwagon Poos”, which laughed at the whole bit. I hope some of you remember Twisted going on Grooverider’s show, with Rider going crazy and birthing sayings like “20%!” and “CUZ YOU ARE THE BIGGA MAN” (download HERE). For some reason, the two of these guys never hashed it out, until the other night – on Facebook, no less. You’d figure this would be more of a message board/forum pissing contest (and if this was 2004, it might have been), but Twisted starts to go in on the entire event, claiming that John B ran scared from him during a club night at the Winter Music Conference years back. John B hears word of this and starts to comment, and all kinds of things get brought up. I’m not choosing sides, just trying to document some proper DnBeef. And for many of you saying “don’t need that in our scene”, I can’t help it – some of the Soul that’s lost is in the personality department.

Outside of all of this, check out my recent interview with John B over at Dogs On Acid, which has nothing to do with any of that. Twisted's also uploaded a free tune, "Dahdahdah".

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