Saturday, June 18, 2011

Skream- January 2004 Mix “Here’s a treat for all of our...

Skream- January 2004 Mix

“Here’s a treat for all of our readers out there. This is a very rare studio mix by Skream from January 2004. It’s all his own tracks, but only a 4 track EP of them was ever released. This mix used to be hosted on a site called Big Apple Records, which was the first ever exclusively dubstep online record store (back before digital downloads were the norm), and really the only place you could get most of the early tracks on vinyl. Big Apple also pressed some of the really early dubstep tracks including the first releases by Benga, Skream & Loefah and was the only place you could really buy many of the dubstep records at the time from the dozen or so producers that were pressing it. The store closed down around 2005, because there weren’t enough people buying dubstep records to make it worth it.” - Diggin in the Crates


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